It is my intent in this post to provide a true, accurate overview of the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. In this, I will try to show the duplicitousness of this president, his true agenda and the severity of the destruction which he has caused to this nation and which will be caused by his "transformation" of this nation.
To understand the actions of any politician one must understand his or her particular mode of operation. With this president, I have noticed that while he is doing one thing in the public eye, he is doing something else, indeed usually in general terms at least something very different if not completely the opposite, in private. Thus, it is very instructive to observe what Barack Obama is doing with his left hand while he is publicly showing his right. Example: the President is publicly touting his defense of internet privacy. I, along with many others, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, have been alarmed by his willingness to support overt spying programs: Here's another example: the President came out recently with the idea of two years of "free" community college education (that means we and our progeny, for at least several generations, will pay for it). The latest is that this would be subject to certain 'qualifications'. At the same time, he has been refusing to enforce our border laws and his administration has actively pursued states which attempted to do so (Arizona and Texas). His administration has both allowed children unaccompanied by their parents to cross over the border and has fed, housed and protected those children (at our expense, of course). It has been reported that many of those children have been released into the United States to end up God knows where. Coincidence? Who do you think will 'qualify' most easily for that "free" college tuition? You and your progeny? Give me a break! I learned early on that promises made by this president always come with caveats which are 'to be revealed later'. To put it bluntly, the man is what my dad (God rest his soul) used to refer to as a "sneak".
Barack Obama has repeatedly touted He has also consistently opposed the Keystone oil pipeline, a project about which I also admittedly have reservations (I'll consider the pipeline a good idea provided that it is constructed wholly above ground (that way any leak will be more immediately noticed and can be dealt with more promptly, with less environmental damage). To my knowledge, the current plan involves the use of underground piping. In the meantime, his administration has been a consistent enemy to the use of coal as an energy source (a proven energy source using proven technologies) in the U.S. and has also sought to make dramatically more complicated and expensive the use of any wood-burning or pellet-burning technology. This will cripple the homesteading movement or anyone wishing to live 'off-the-grid' as it will eliminate or make much more expensive the option of burning wood or pellets for heat or any other use. These regulations will also cost current owners of wood-burning appliances money as they will make an estimated 90 percent of these units unsaleable. Keep in mind that the first of these proposed regulations is due to go into effect in March, with the rest going into effect in future years. As usual, King Barry's team of misfits and malcontents does not want its intent to be apparent at once, but wants to sneak it past the American people.
Oh, but it gets better: police can now look through your walls (USA Today, 1/20/15), thanks to the Obama Administration. They can also fly drones overhead for whatever purpose, thanks to King Barry! Hitler would have loved this! Just think: no more knocks at the front door, no more 'ee-oooo, ee-oooo' European-style sirens rolling up outside as in the old movies); just blow up the house! Boom! Gone! No more depending on the neighbors or your children to spy on you! Just set a drone outside the window! In retrospect, at least Hitler was honest about his desires!
I'm trying really hard to find a graceful way to end this article. The thought which keeps occurring to me is this: anyone who thinks that this country is now anything but a police-state-in-waiting or a "soft police state" (iron fist still clothed in velvet glove, for now) is either stupid, has been living under a rock or is wilfully ignorant. If you believe the police state isn't in waiting, which are you? Better yet, if you believe that this administration has not at least taken the most draconian, most obvious steps so far to accomplish this goal, which are you?