Saturday, April 26, 2014

E.P.A. Seeks To Increase Its' Control Over Vast Tracts Of Private Land

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to further regulate vast tracts of land belonging to private citizens through redefinition of rules involving "navigable waterways".  Here's more on the story from WorldNet Daily.

I had considerable trouble finding the proposed rule on the E.P.A.'s website.  I note, though, that once I found it, I had no trouble at all finding positive feedback for the proposed rule (even though it is "proposed"; it hasn't been issued in its' final form) on the E.P.A. website.

Here's the point to remember, folks.  You need three things to survive:  food, water and shelter.  Without any of these three things you WILL NOT THRIVE.  Therefore, if anyone (or anything) controls ANY of these three things, that party controls YOU!  By my interpretation of this proposed rule, the federal government through the E.P.A. is trying to DRAMATICALLY increase its' control over the entire U.S. population through control of water use and ultimately, water ACCESS.  This would be particularly crushing for those of us who choose to live in ways that require us to use water readily available on our land.  This would include farmers, ranchers, homesteaders, survivalists and anyone else trying to 'live off the land'.  In fact, I'm willing to say that this could be used to eventually force members of the aforementioned groups off of their land.  It would also force these particularly proud and resourceful people under the thumb of and, for many of them, onto the nipple of government.  Of course, that may be just what the Obama Administration wants!

Here's a thought:  how about having ONLY STATE AND LOCAL governments regulate how non-navigable waterways which run over, beside, through or under the property of more than one party and having ONLY THE PROPERTY-OWNER dictate what can happen on a waterway which exists only on that property?  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hundreds Of Patriots Defend Nevada Ranch

The federal government has withdrawn from the ranch of Cliven Bundy, near Bunkerville Nv., after a crowd of patriots ranging in size from hundreds to over a thousand descended on the ranch and surrounding area.  Here's a report from The Sipsey Street Irregulars website.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Herd Mentality In Journalism

Don't get me wrong.  I realize that several hundred people presumably lost their lives.  The loss of that Malaysian aircraft is a tragedy of the first order.  However, it's been three weeks since authorities, and, it seems, EVERYONE; three weeks of conflicting stories and precious few facts.

I have been told by my consultants, however, that the way to get people to read this blog is to go along with the mainstream; don't rock the boat; talk about a horrible airplane tragedy or a high school girl who apparently suffers an awful end at the hands of third-world hooligans with official cover.  Talk about the five-alarm fire that happened downtown tonight if you're local.  Do ANYTHING but talk (or write) about how the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  is being taken out from under us, being systematically deconstructed, at an alarming pace.  But, I've been told to follow the herd, so here goes:

There has been a horrible disappearance of a Malaysian airliner with 300-plus people on board.  Governments from around the world are at least making the attempt to make it look as if they are looking for this thing.  Frankly they haven't found jack-squat which they can PROVE was a part of this airplane.  And that's after three weeks.  How about this?  Howza 'bout these people agree to get back in touch with us when they have something and the mainstream media, and others, get the hell off of this and move on to a few of the things which TRULY threaten the well-being of this country!  

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Your Government Seeks To Stifle News Media (Anything New?)

The Obama Administration is in favor of them.  So is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).  So is House Speaker John Boehner (R).  What are they?  "They" are bills currently before both the U.S. Senate and House to greatly increase government authority over news media.  H.R. 1962 would "maintain the free flow of information . . by providing conditions for the federally compelled disclosure of information by certain persons connected with the news media (my emphases)".  "Maintain(ing) the free flow of information" by "federally compelled disclosure"?  Looks more like the forced flow of information (from journalists to authorities) to me!  You need to read this thing, especially Sec. 2:  Free Flow of Information Act of 2013.  Then there's the Senate version of this monstrosity which goes informally under the same name, and which has the support of both Sen. Chuckie Schumer (D) and Sen. "Spaghetti-spine" Lindsey Graham (R).   

With the support already on record from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) for defining who is and isn't a journalist, and thus worthy of First Amendment protections, do you really think that your alternative media (such as this blog) can survive the passage of this onslaught?    

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Would you like a little RADIATION with that salmon?

The Fukishima disaster is the gift that just keeps on giving.  Plan on eating?  Like seafood?  You may reconsider after looking at this site:

Think you're safe if you don't eat seafood because you live in the Midwest?:  

Here are the important questions at this point as I see them:

1.  Why haven't the world's governments and the U.N. put TREMENDOUS pressure on the Japanese government to deal effectively with this mess?

2.  Why wasn't the s.o.b. 'Chernobyl-ed' at the very BEGINNING of this?  The Soviet Union had a similar but MUCH less serious situation occur at Chernobyl in 1986.  It used a low-tech, simple solution:  dump a butt-load of lime on top of the thing and then dump a butt-load of concrete on top of that, effectively entombing it.  This is not a permanent solution, but it gives the mess time to cool down (say, 200 years!) and gives US time to come up with a more long-lasting or even (pray) PERMANENT fix.  Oh, NOW, I'm told, we CAN'T use that SIMPLE solution because, due to the damage done inside reactor number 3, there is now FRESH water leaking INTO the plant underground as well as salt water, both of which are now exiting the plant into the Pacific Ocean RADIOACTIVE.  The 'Chernobyl' solution PERHAPS could still be used but concrete used to bury the mess would have to be of a type which sets (hardens) in salt and brackish (fresh water which has a low level of salt in it) water.  I don't know if such a concrete exists.  Do you?

The following are simply things that I've heard and seen through my sources (primarily, at least, "Coast-to-coast AM")  It seems, according to "Coast", that one reason the Japanese government isn't eager to bury the whole mess is because they've been storing plutonium at that site.  Plutonium, as you may know, is usable in making nuclear weapons, which for Japan would be against treaty.  Why would Japan, a nation which has foresworn offensive military capability, want nuclear-weapons-grade materiel?  I can think of two reasons and they're right in Japan's neighborhood.  In fact, Japan is having trouble with ONE of them RIGHT NOW!!  Those two reasons are, in order:

1.  China

2.  Russia (with whom Japan has a historically contentious relationship)

Kind of brings back those old "Cold War" feelings!  And the ol' friendly glowing stuff is getting into our water and the food chain too!!  Gives me a little warm tickle right . .  HERE!  Or is that RADIATION?  SWEET DREAMS!

Oh, and here's the latest, folks!  Japan is considering restarting its nuclear reactors!  This reminds me of the old song lyric:  "When will they ever learn?  When will they ever learn?"

Please note that though the above-linked article in my opinion shows a bias toward nuclear power I am in no way in favor of nuclear power.  One reason for this is that human nature can never be discounted in any human endeavor.  This includes the temptation of a contractor or subcontractor to use substandard materiel or practices in the construction of any project, including nuclear power plants.