Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump "Revolution" Spreads Across Europe

Calls to exit the European Union and for leadership which will present a united front against radical Islamic expansionism are echoing across Europe, the result of the United Kingdom's "brexit" vote and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.  This, from Bloomberg:

Meanwhile, crowds in the United States and across the western world protested Trump's election:

I note that although the headline in Bloomberg's story claims that marches occurred around the world the article only mentions marches in the U.S.

Meanwhile, not everyone was welcome at Washington's march.  From Breitbart: 

And, the left was busy showing its' collective backside in other ways.  Again, from Breitbart:  

And Breitbart reports this particular gem: 

I thought the kids were supposed to be left out of this.  After this cheap shot Saturday Night Live should lose both of its' viewers!

"Spontaneous" Washington "Women's March" Has Ties To George Soros

Billionaire investor and financier George Soros funds or has ties to over 50 organizations which sponsored the "Women's March" in Washington.  That's according to an article in Women In the World:

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Is CNN Predicting The Unthinkable?

CNN has just committed possibly the most bizarre act in an election season filled with strangeness.  The network yesterday aired a report pondering what would happen in the event an attack on the inaugural dais killed both President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence.  This, from Breitbart:

The irresponsibility of airing something such as this after a very hard-fought and bitter election season, with the number of crazies in our nation and over a million people in the nation's capital, many if not most of them unhappy over the election's outcome, defies belief.  Add to that the number of death threats against President-elect Trump and his family, which the Secret Service has already stated is in record numbers, along with the behavior of many leftists both during and after the election, and you have a powder keg waiting for one nut to light the fuse.  As previously stated in this blog, there already have been reports of leftist organizations planning violence.  If there is any attack for which this program can be proven to be inspiration, CNN and all personnel connected with the production and airing of this program should be held directly civilly and if possible, criminally responsible.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Leftists Plan Massive Disruption Of Trump Inauguration

Various leftist groups are planning to disrupt the inauguration of President-elect Donald J. Trump.  Some of the groups in question are planning violence, according to

Do you ever wonder where these protests are coming from; who is fomenting them and perhaps even more importantly, who is paying for them?  Here are some clues:  Thanks to WorldNet Daily for that report.

Meanwhile, a third report (from Breitbart) notes that J20 protesters are being told that this is their final chance to "fight Trump under the laws and police procedures of the Obama era" (the implication being that they will be allowed to loot, burn and attack innocent people): cry

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Libs Continue "New Revelations" With Same Ol' Same 'Ol

Look, folks, here's the deal:  the Dems keep coming at President-elect Donald Trump with what hasn't been proven but is U.S. intelligence agencies' 'best guess':  that Russia hacked into the Hillary Clinton campaign's and the Democratic National Committee's emails.  Before you get on my butt about use of the term 'best guess', keep in mind that they've said that themselves in other words.  Also please keep in mind that this is the same "intelligence establishment" which told George W. Bush in 2003 that there were "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq (actually, I have it from a separate source that there was evidence found of the previous presence of nerve gas.  My guess is it had been moved, probably to Syria).  According to some of those same intelligence officials, the Russians also attempted to hack the Republican National Committee but were unsuccessful.  But this isn't just about emails.  The Dems are also claiming that the Russians planted "fake news stories" to influence U.S. public opinion.  Note that the Dems are carefully avoiding claiming that the actual vote was tampered with.

Most of us nowadays get our news either from t.v. or from the web.  I firmly believe that most of the people who get their news on the web know that much if not most of it is plainly slanted but factual and some of it is to varying degrees outright false.  We know that you have to be able to separate the fact from the fiction.  No one tells you this, but I will:  the newspaper media have the same thing in their history!  It was called "yellow journalism" and it was prominent if not prevalent in the late 19th century.  Writers would "hype" a story into something it wasn't.  Sometimes they would be told by their editors to concoct a story "out of whole cloth" (or they'd do it on their own).  Yes, once in a while we're going to have a nut case who's going to kill a bunch of people because he believes the pizza parlor they were in is the front for a child trafficking operation {Considering some of what we see in America today and the recurrent rumors of just such a thing existing among our nation's elite (at least since the 1980's) isn't it worth at least an investigation before we consider the person nuts?}.  Nonetheless, most of us are smart enough to know that especially if we're reading one of the many news or commentary blogs or one of the lesser-known web news sources that we really don't know where our news is coming from.  It's not like the old days when I could go to the dock at the local newspaper at 1:30 a.m. and get that day's paper, sometimes even warm to the touch from the printing presses.  Our news comes in a stream of electrons.  Chances are we don't know the name of the company or individual which or who produces our news source.  Even if the name of the publisher is mentioned, we don't know if it's correct.  A website can easily be faked.  About the best that a person can do is look up the ownership of the website's domain and investigate from there.  So, we have to ask ourselves, "Has this been corroborated by other sources?  Does it seem likely or even plausible, considering what I know of the situation?"  We also know fully that even if a story is true, it may be slanted.  Its' source, in terms of authorship, publishing and/or nation, may not be what we think or what we would like.  As for Vladimir Putin, he's an important world leader.  If he has something to say, I want to hear it.  Whether I believe it will probably depend on how well it stacks up against what I know of the situation.