Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The True Environmental, Social And Political End Game Of Barack Obama

When considering the environmental policies of Barack Obama, there have been essentially two competing arguments.  One is essentially an argument offered by utopians; that he intends to bring us back to a pre-industrialized state in which the burning of any 'fossil fuels' for heat or any other purpose will be strictly regulated and controlled if not outright forbidden.  I am willing to offer a second, underlying argument which has always been there, lurking in certain corners of the right wing, among certain more 'conspiracy'-minded individuals and in-and-around the homesteading and 'off-the-grid' movements.  That argument is at least that the actions of Barack Hussein Obama, through his EPA and other agencies, will have the effect of making living off the grid well-nigh impossible for all or at least for everyone but the wealthy and very wealthy and will push us all toward complete dependence on centralized and therefore controllable fuel sources.  The alternative to this within this same way of thinking is even darker:  that this is all intentional and that it isn't at all about "greening" the earth or any other general, admirable-sounding nonsense; it's about control of people.

Think about it:  the policies of the first Obama Administration and the second have seemed from the very beginning to point toward proscribing and otherwise discouraging the use of certain fuels.  In the beginning of his first term, this president sat on his hands for six weeks while an underwater oil well spewed crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, destroying the businesses and livelihoods of many individuals and families and effectively maiming and defaming the Gulf Coast seafood business for years to come.  With the massive resources of the U.S. Coast Guard, don't tell me that he couldn't have done anything (in fact nothing was about what he did!)  His acts seem to be aimed at defaming and destroying the oil and coal businesses and discouraging wood-burning if not eliminating it as a possibility for many people (which would destroy or dramatically harm businesses in this part of the country which depend on the harvest or replenishment of wood) while essentially leaving alone natural gas and electricity, which require being tethered more closely to the grid (you have to have them piped to your home; you can't just have them delivered or pick them up someplace), and are therefore controllable.  Also, he seems to want to make it more difficult to use alternative, renewable fuels (  As certain recent television programs point out, urine and poop are all biodegradable and reusable.

So, what's the regulation-mongers (and Obama's) objection to using renewable fuels which we can obtain without giving a buttload of money to 'greenie' businesses and special interests (Obama and Democratic party contributors?) or depending on government?  I think the answer to all of this is very plain.  Where will this regulation-madness stop?  With special $1500 scrubbers required on your backyard barbecue pit?  With a forest-full of wood around you (presenting a wildfire danger to you, family, friends and home) while you and your family are shivering, due to fear of a visit from the jackbooted minions of your local regulators?  With you being unable to legally store food because the storage area has not been approved or because some 'moralistic' bureaucratic slug declares that it's hoarding (Think about it; what's less moral than denying people the opportunity to feed themselves without governmental or other authoritarian/totalitarian intervention)?  I've actually heard of a person with a composting toilet being told that he had to get indoor plumbing and a toilet that was connected to that system.  How stupid is that?  This all leads one to a very ugly conclusion:  that these 'greenies', including their fascist president, are really concerned about control.