The United States Senate seems about to, in real terms, put the iconic "nuclear clock" very close to midnight. The Senate is currently considering a "deal" negotiated by the Obama Administration to supposedly supervise Iranian nuclear development in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions on the Iranian regime.
First, let me explain that I have a personal dog in this fight: the brother of a woman whom I consider my aunt (actually my uncle's first wife) lives, along with his wife, children, and I believe grandchildren, in Israel. The Obama Administration is negotiating this "deal", supposedly intended to keep the mullahs from obtaining authority over nuclear weapons, with a regime which has threatened on many occasions to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. This is a regime which has also called the United States "the great Satan" and Israel "the little Satan". This renegade government is also the chief sponsor of terrorism in the world. Yet, our ever-wise and imperious president has negotiated an inspection agreement with these people which many of us believe would in effect give them nuclear weapons in ten years if not earlier (kind of like giving a three-year-old a loaded pistol). Do we really think the religious zealots in charge in Tehran would not unleash nuclear destruction on Israel, and if they think they're able to without too much in repercussions, the United States? In short, I would really prefer not to see my aunt's brother, his family and possibly my and your loved ones and families turned into crispy critters to find out.
Let's take a close look at this "deal". President Barack Obama tried his damnedest at first to get the Senate to put its' stamp of approval on this "deal" without even receiving any information on it. As usual, secrecy is the order of the day with this "most transparent administration in history" (Remember the 2008 campaign?) Now, President Obama has agreed to let Senators see information on the agreement. Note that this does not guarantee access to the full text of the agreement (not that they'd read it!) Also, the Administration has admitted that there are "side-agreements" which it does not intend to reveal to Congress or the public! Reportedly, one of these "side-agreements" has the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations branch, doing the inspection of "suspect sites". This, the Administration claims, means that the inspection regimen, the very reason for removing economic sanctions on Iran, will be between the IAEA and Tehran! Don't blame Obama when this goes wrong! Blame the IAEA! And the Iranian regime actually has the audacity to insist that it provide "samples" from suspect sites to the IAEA rather than allowing the UN agency actually physical inspections! In other words, the fox will be guarding the chicken coop! And Obama, unbelievably (if someone else was president) but predictably (since he's president) has agreed to this!
Further, Obama has performed his usual end run around the Constitution by calling this a "deal" rather than a "treaty", which is what, except perhaps for technical details, it truly is. In addition, consistent with his total lack of respect for both the Constitution and the other branches of government (as well as the American people), he has done an end run around both the aforementioned document and the Senate by running this to the UN while not having submitted it to the Senate. You see, this obligates the US to observe the conditions of the "deal" due to the treaty and international agreements clause of the Constitution, at least while Obama remains in office (Might we consider amending that clause to make it clear that while a president may "negotiate" an agreement or a treaty, we are not bound to it until it is approved by the Senate? I think that may be a good idea!).
Never fear, though! Despite what you may have heard and what both the
government and the mainstream press would like for you to believe, this fight does not have to be over! It is not a done deal! You see, the Corker Act, formally known as "The Iran Nuclear
Agreement Review Act of 2015", is crystal clear. At its' very beginning, it mandates that, "Not later than 5 calendar days after reaching an agreement with Iran relating to the nuclear program of Iran, the President shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees and leadership ‘‘the agreement . . including all related materials and annexes . . . " This law further states that: "The period for congressional review . . shall be 60 calendar days if an agreement, including all materials required to be transmitted to Congress . . is transmitted . . between July 10, 2015, and September 7, 2015." To put it in short order, the law not only mandates a 60-day "consideration" period, it requires the president to transmit all pertinent materials within five days! The President has not sent all of the required materials yet! This also means that he is in violation of federal law (something which I'm sure bothers him not one whit!) So, you see, the Congress does not have to consider this "agreement" at all! Not that they will consider exercising their considerable powers under the law, however! No, they'll be compliant little sheep . . unless they hear massively from us!!