Saturday, September 12, 2015

Full Speed To Armageddon: The Obama Administration and Nuclear Proliferation In the Modern Age

The Obama Administration begins implementation of nuclear “deal” today.

This “deal” would allow Iran to inspect its own nuclear facilities; the other nations involved would “trust” that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

All this is “reported” since President Barry has FAILED to follow a law WHICH HE SIGNED several months ago mandating that he submit the “text and all related materials” to the Congress for their perusal. That's okay, according to him. After all, CONGRESS DIDN'T EVEN REQUIRE THAT HE FULFILL THIS COURSE OF ACTION, MUCH LESS THE CONSTITUTION, WHICH REQUIRES THE “ADVICE AND CONSENT” OF CONGRESS BEFORE A VOTE IS HELD IN THE SENATE TO APPROVE “TREATIES”. This REPUBLICAN Congress has again signed a blank check for this lawless President.


Yesterday, ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 AND THE TERROR ATTACK ON AND MURDER OF OUR PERSONNEL IN BENGHAZI ALONG WITH THE MURDER OF OUR AMBASSADOR THERE, our lawless, potentially traitorous President signed an agreement which I think STANDS A PROFOUND CHANCE OF RESULTING IN THE NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND AT LEAST TWO AMERICAN CITIES. I include those two American cities, which I believe could well be New York and Washington, because Iran has been and is pursuing intercontinental ballistic missile technology. I believe this “deal” stands an even greater and more direct chance of starting a war between Israel and Iran which will, in all likelihood, quickly involve at least most of the rest of the Middle East (a few wiser heads could sit it out) and could very well go nuclear. I desperately pray that I am wrong on this but I fear that I am right. If the aforementioned happens, BARACK OBAMA AND THE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO ALLOWED THIS CHARADE TO STAND SHOULD BE HELD DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE. THEY WILL POTENTIALLY HAVE THE BLOOD OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ON THEIR HANDS AND THEY SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Fast Track To Armageddon

The United States Senate seems about to, in real terms, put the iconic "nuclear clock" very close to midnight.  The Senate is currently considering a "deal" negotiated by the Obama Administration to supposedly supervise Iranian nuclear development in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions on the Iranian regime.

First, let me explain that I have a personal dog in this fight:  the brother of a woman whom I consider my aunt (actually my uncle's first wife) lives, along with his wife, children, and I believe grandchildren, in Israel.  The Obama Administration is negotiating this "deal", supposedly intended to keep the mullahs from obtaining authority over nuclear weapons, with a regime which has threatened on many occasions to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.  This is a regime which has also called the United States "the great Satan" and Israel "the little Satan".  This renegade government is also the chief sponsor of terrorism in the world.  Yet, our ever-wise and imperious president has negotiated an inspection agreement with these people which many of us believe would in effect give them nuclear weapons in ten years if not earlier (kind of like giving a three-year-old a loaded pistol).  Do we really think the religious zealots in charge in Tehran would not unleash nuclear destruction on Israel, and if they think they're able to without too much in repercussions, the United States?  In short, I would really prefer not to see my aunt's brother, his family and possibly my and your loved ones and families turned into crispy critters to find out.

Let's take a close look at this "deal".  President Barack Obama tried his damnedest at first to get the Senate to put its' stamp of approval on this "deal" without even receiving any information on it.  As usual, secrecy is the order of the day with this "most transparent administration in history" (Remember the 2008 campaign?)  Now, President Obama has agreed to let Senators see information on the agreement.  Note that this does not guarantee access to the full text of the agreement (not that they'd read it!)  Also, the Administration has admitted that there are "side-agreements" which it does not intend to reveal to Congress or the public!  Reportedly, one of these "side-agreements" has the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations branch, doing the inspection of "suspect sites".  This, the Administration claims, means that the inspection regimen, the very reason for removing economic sanctions on Iran, will be between the IAEA and Tehran!  Don't blame Obama when this goes wrong!  Blame the IAEA!  And the Iranian regime actually has the audacity to insist that it provide "samples" from suspect sites to the IAEA rather than allowing the UN agency actually physical inspections!  In other words, the fox will be guarding the chicken coop!  And Obama, unbelievably (if someone else was president) but predictably (since he's president) has agreed to this!

Further, Obama has performed his usual end run around the Constitution by calling this a "deal" rather than a "treaty", which is what, except perhaps for technical details, it truly is.  In addition, consistent with his total lack of respect for both the Constitution and the other branches of government (as well as the American people), he has done an end run around both the aforementioned document and the Senate by running this to the UN while not having submitted it to the Senate.  You see, this obligates the US to observe the conditions of the "deal" due to the treaty and international agreements clause of the Constitution, at least while Obama remains in office (Might we consider amending that clause to make it clear that while a president may "negotiate" an agreement or a treaty, we are not bound to it until it is approved by the Senate?  I think that may be a good idea!).    

Never fear, though!  Despite what you may have heard and what both the
government and the mainstream press would like for you to believe, this fight does not have to be over!  It is not a done deal!  You see, the Corker Act, formally known as "The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015", is crystal clear.  At its' very beginning, it mandates that, "Not later than 5 calendar days after reaching an agreement with Iran relating to the nuclear program of Iran, the President shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees and leadership ‘‘the agreement . . including all related materials and annexes . . . "  This law further states that:  "The period for congressional review . . shall be 60 calendar days if an agreement, including all materials required to be transmitted to Congress . . is transmitted . . between July 10, 2015, and September 7, 2015."  To put it in short order, the law not only mandates a 60-day "consideration" period, it requires the president to transmit all pertinent materials within five days!  The President has not sent all of the required materials yet!  This also means that he is in violation of federal law (something which I'm sure bothers him not one whit!)  So, you see, the Congress does not have to consider this "agreement" at all!  Not that they will consider exercising their considerable powers under the law, however!  No, they'll be compliant little sheep . . unless they hear massively from us!!

To let your senators know what you think about this disastrous agreement, call your senatorsHere's a link to their numbers:      

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Live In A Nice Neighborhood? The U.S. House Just TEMPORARILY Stopped Obama From 'Fundamentally Transforming' That

The U.S. House has just stopped President Barack Obama from implementing a plan which would result in forcing more affluent neighborhoods to accept low-income and high-density housing.  The House has voted 229-193 for a measure which would stop the Department of Housing and Urban Development from implementing the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation.  The Daily Caller has more:

The Senate has yet to take up the measure. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I think I've finally figured it out.  The "Affordable" Care Act was in fact a massive cost-shifting from the shoulders of the insurance companies (and therefore their stockholders and owners) and illegal immigrants (prospective Democrats?  Yah think?) onto any individual citizens able to withstand any cost whatsoever.  In addition, it also comprised, as has been stated before, a massive federal power grab from the States and power grab from and intrusion into the lives of private citizens.  Remember back to before the Act took effect.  Yes, it's true; our health care insurance and delivery systems were both a hodgepodge.  Yet, with any degree of brains and initiative, at least most of those under the federal poverty line were able to obtain affordable health care.  This was through both cost-shifting by hospitals (which, yes, indirectly cost consumers money but the cost was directly borne by insurance companies) and free prescription programs offered by pharmaceutical companies (in my opinion to avoid precisely the type of massive federal intervention which later took place and possibly to offset massive profits for income tax, political and public relations purposes) as well as discount programs offered by retailers and through medical discount cards.  Now, there is a legal mandate that everyone sign up through either a government agency or contractor (outside of a few well-designed loopholes which in my opinion were put there specifically to get this monstrosity past the U.S. Constitution.  You can meet the mandate by buying insurance from a few organizations that are legally designated 'religious organizations'.  In my local area there is also a pilot program which provides very-low-cost coverage to people below the federal poverty line.  The process for getting in is very simple.  The literature given out to describe services available is very general and dumbed-down beyond belief.  (You have to contact the program's administrators and ask to get information about anything beyond the most basic information).  And if your first language is Spanish there is a translator there for you {ring any alarm bells considering what's been going on over the last year or so at our southern border?  It should.  Sounds as if that band that we hear all over the airwaves, Obie and the Dems, is working hard to satisfy the voting bloc which they anticipate will keep them in power over the next fifty years; and no, for those of you who are a little slow, I do not mean those who crossed our southern border legally!  I am referring to illegal crossers and their progeny, who by mere tradition in the United States will be considered legal citizens (I support that tradition, by the way.  In fact, I support making it into law.  I simply don't support its' use as a political tool.)}

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

September 11th '20th Hijacker' Says Members Of Saudi Royal Family Funded Al Qaeda

Even a mainstream news outlet is now quoting a man convicted of terror-related charges as saying that members of the Saudi royal family have funded al Qaeda.  Here's more:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The True Environmental, Social And Political End Game Of Barack Obama

When considering the environmental policies of Barack Obama, there have been essentially two competing arguments.  One is essentially an argument offered by utopians; that he intends to bring us back to a pre-industrialized state in which the burning of any 'fossil fuels' for heat or any other purpose will be strictly regulated and controlled if not outright forbidden.  I am willing to offer a second, underlying argument which has always been there, lurking in certain corners of the right wing, among certain more 'conspiracy'-minded individuals and in-and-around the homesteading and 'off-the-grid' movements.  That argument is at least that the actions of Barack Hussein Obama, through his EPA and other agencies, will have the effect of making living off the grid well-nigh impossible for all or at least for everyone but the wealthy and very wealthy and will push us all toward complete dependence on centralized and therefore controllable fuel sources.  The alternative to this within this same way of thinking is even darker:  that this is all intentional and that it isn't at all about "greening" the earth or any other general, admirable-sounding nonsense; it's about control of people.

Think about it:  the policies of the first Obama Administration and the second have seemed from the very beginning to point toward proscribing and otherwise discouraging the use of certain fuels.  In the beginning of his first term, this president sat on his hands for six weeks while an underwater oil well spewed crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, destroying the businesses and livelihoods of many individuals and families and effectively maiming and defaming the Gulf Coast seafood business for years to come.  With the massive resources of the U.S. Coast Guard, don't tell me that he couldn't have done anything (in fact nothing was about what he did!)  His acts seem to be aimed at defaming and destroying the oil and coal businesses and discouraging wood-burning if not eliminating it as a possibility for many people (which would destroy or dramatically harm businesses in this part of the country which depend on the harvest or replenishment of wood) while essentially leaving alone natural gas and electricity, which require being tethered more closely to the grid (you have to have them piped to your home; you can't just have them delivered or pick them up someplace), and are therefore controllable.  Also, he seems to want to make it more difficult to use alternative, renewable fuels (  As certain recent television programs point out, urine and poop are all biodegradable and reusable.

So, what's the regulation-mongers (and Obama's) objection to using renewable fuels which we can obtain without giving a buttload of money to 'greenie' businesses and special interests (Obama and Democratic party contributors?) or depending on government?  I think the answer to all of this is very plain.  Where will this regulation-madness stop?  With special $1500 scrubbers required on your backyard barbecue pit?  With a forest-full of wood around you (presenting a wildfire danger to you, family, friends and home) while you and your family are shivering, due to fear of a visit from the jackbooted minions of your local regulators?  With you being unable to legally store food because the storage area has not been approved or because some 'moralistic' bureaucratic slug declares that it's hoarding (Think about it; what's less moral than denying people the opportunity to feed themselves without governmental or other authoritarian/totalitarian intervention)?  I've actually heard of a person with a composting toilet being told that he had to get indoor plumbing and a toilet that was connected to that system.  How stupid is that?  This all leads one to a very ugly conclusion:  that these 'greenies', including their fascist president, are really concerned about control.

Monday, January 26, 2015


And the Fukishima disaster just keeps on spewing (Would you like a little radiation with that salmon?)

The True Legacy Of Barack Hussein Obama

It is my intent in this post to provide a true, accurate overview of the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.  In this, I will try to show the duplicitousness of this president, his true agenda and the severity of the destruction which he has caused to this nation and which will be caused by his "transformation" of this nation.

To understand the actions of any politician one must understand his or her particular mode of operation.  With this president, I have noticed that while he is doing one thing in the public eye, he is doing something else, indeed usually in general terms at least something very different if not completely the opposite, in private.  Thus, it is very instructive to observe what Barack Obama is doing with his left hand while he is publicly showing his right.  Example:  the President is publicly touting his defense of internet privacy.  I, along with many others, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, have been alarmed by his willingness to support overt spying programs:  Here's another example:  the President came out recently with the idea of two years of "free" community college education (that means we and our progeny, for at least several generations, will pay for it).  The latest is that this would be subject to certain 'qualifications'.  At the same time, he has been refusing to enforce our border laws and his administration has actively pursued states which attempted to do so (Arizona and Texas).  His administration has both allowed children unaccompanied by their parents to cross over the border and has fed, housed and protected those children (at our expense, of course).  It has been reported that many of those children have been released into the United States to end up God knows where.  Coincidence?    Who do you think will 'qualify' most easily for that "free" college tuition?  You and your progeny?  Give me a break!  I learned early on that promises made by this president always come with caveats which are 'to be revealed later'.  To put it bluntly, the man is what my dad (God rest his soul) used to refer to as a "sneak".

Barack Obama has repeatedly touted  He has also consistently opposed the Keystone oil pipeline, a project about which I also admittedly have reservations (I'll consider the pipeline a good idea provided that it is constructed wholly above ground (that way any leak will be more immediately noticed and can be dealt with more promptly, with less environmental damage).  To my knowledge, the current plan involves the use of underground piping.  In the meantime, his administration has been a consistent enemy to the use of coal as an energy source (a proven energy source using proven technologies) in the U.S. and has also sought to make dramatically more complicated and expensive the use of any wood-burning or pellet-burning technology.  This will cripple the homesteading movement or anyone wishing to live 'off-the-grid' as it will eliminate or make much more expensive the option of burning wood or pellets for heat or any other use.  These regulations will also cost current owners of wood-burning appliances money as they will make an estimated 90 percent of these units unsaleable.  Keep in mind that the first of these proposed regulations is due to go into effect in March, with the rest going into effect in future years.  As usual, King Barry's team of misfits and malcontents does not want its intent to be apparent at once, but wants to sneak it past the American people.

Oh, but it gets better:  police can now look through your walls (USA Today, 1/20/15), thanks to the Obama Administration.  They can also fly drones overhead for whatever purpose, thanks to King Barry!  Hitler would have loved this!  Just think:  no more knocks at the front door, no more 'ee-oooo, ee-oooo' European-style sirens rolling up outside as in the old movies); just blow up the houseBoom!  Gone!  No more depending on the neighbors or your children to spy on you!  Just set a drone outside the window!  In retrospect, at least Hitler was honest about his desires!

I'm trying really hard to find a graceful way to end this article.  The thought which keeps occurring to me is this:  anyone who thinks that this country is now anything but a police-state-in-waiting or a "soft police state" (iron fist still clothed in velvet glove, for now) is either stupid, has been living under a rock or is wilfully ignorant.  If you believe the police state isn't in waiting, which are you?  Better yet, if you believe that this administration has not at least taken the most draconian, most obvious steps so far to accomplish this goal, which are you?     

Friday, January 16, 2015

Changes . . .

Some of you have I'm sure been wondering where this blog is going.  As best I can, I will try to explain it to you.

Due to the possibility of having to engage in a job search at some point in the future, and knowing of the habit of some employers of searching the web for a potential employee's 'tracks', I have considered whether it is wise to have my thoughts so openly available on the World Wide Web.  While I have doubts about this, this is such a labor of love that I will continue it, at least for the time being.  I think it's sad that Americans even have to think in these terms; that we have to consider that our personal opinions may be used against us for employment purposes; that our performance on the job, past or present, may not be enough to consider whether we should be employed in the future.

Then there is another consideration:  whether our expression of our opinions will be used against us by government.  I find the fact that we have to consider this possibility to be truly odious.  Along with I'm sure the rest of you, I was truly alarmed to find out that apparently, organizations which could be identified with certain political or social causes were targeted by the Internal Revenue Service for harassment.  If this was done to organizations, and I believe that it was, I consider it illogical to assume that this was not also done to individuals.  I have recently had my difficulties with the I.R.S.  While I certainly did 'ask for it' in certain ways, considering events of the last few years I have to wonder whether I have been targeted. 

I have many times considered closing this blog; I have wondered whether it would be better for me and for my loved ones to simply 'go underground'; that is, to quietly prepare for that moment at which at least some of us will go more completely 'off the grid'.  I assure you that such a moment could arrive.  At right about these times, though, that nagging thought begins to appear in my head; that thought which says that it's absolutely essential for good Americans to STAND UP; to STAND TALL AND BE COUNTED; to STAND UP AGAINST TYRANNY (Right now the iron hand is in the velvet glove; however, I believe that there are forces in this nation and beyond which would not be at all above taking off that velvet glove; all they need is the right circumstances.)

I will also admit several other things to you:  I have a 'day job'; in fact, I run a business which takes a considerable amount of my time.  I work about 35-60 hours per week.  I know that for some of you that may not seem much; however, due to personal considerations, it is enough to plain tucker me out!  So, I do not have the time at this point to do personal research.  Thus, I will probably be linking to a great deal of material.  I cannot always vouch for its' veracity.  However, I will use my best judgement as a former beat reporter, news writer and newscaster and as a lifelong devotee to knowledge of politics and current events (Yes, literally since I was five!) as to whether to trust a source.  If I suspect its' trustworthiness, I will not use it.  However, ultimately you are the judge.  At some point, perhaps this blog will become successful enough financially that I will be able to devote more time to it, with the eventual goal being making this my full-time job (oh, such a dream!)  In the meantime, we will have to simply do the best that we can.