"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".
That's the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution (I know most of my adult readers know this but some of the kiddies may not and I am hoping that they will check out the website both as a way to learn more about the way this country is
supposed to be and to counter the indoctrination they are receiving courtesy of our tax dollars via the government schools). The emphasis in the above quote was mine. I hope to keep you, gentle (or not-so-gentle) reader, informed both about arguments concerning our (beloved, at least by me) Constitution and the daily hatchet job it is receiving at the hands of the 'powers-that-be' in this country. I hope to be back to work on the page every couple of days. Please bear with me, though, if I am a little slow to do so at times. I too, gentle reader, have a daytime job to which I must attend. Please feel free to contribute to the page. Please also tell me if you have any technical difficulties with the site. The only limitations I insist on placing on editorial contributions are that they be decent (and yes,
I decide what decent is!) and not denigrate or be injurious to any person, place, thing, group, planet, cupcakes, alien beings (alleged grays or otherwise), inanimate objects not heretofore set forth, nationalities, persons without nationalities, ethnic groups, persons within any such ethnic group, persons not part of any ethnic group, persons neither part of nor not part of any ethnic group, deity, non-deity (have I made myself clear yet?), solar system, universe or (for God's sake) women or minorities (something which Don Imus discovered). Sorry, we have to run this thing decently - website provider's rules. I also insist that they not violate the copyright of any person, place or thing. There. THAT should be simple enough!