The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to further regulate vast tracts of land belonging to private citizens through redefinition of rules involving "navigable waterways". Here's more on the story from WorldNet Daily.
I had considerable trouble finding the proposed rule on the E.P.A.'s website. I note, though, that once I found it, I had no trouble at all finding positive feedback for the proposed rule (even though it is "proposed"; it hasn't been issued in its' final form) on the E.P.A. website.
Here's the point to remember, folks. You need three things to survive: food, water and shelter. Without any of these three things you WILL NOT THRIVE. Therefore, if anyone (or anything) controls ANY of these three things, that party controls YOU! By my interpretation of this proposed rule, the federal government through the E.P.A. is trying to DRAMATICALLY increase its' control over the entire U.S. population through control of water use and ultimately, water ACCESS. This would be particularly crushing for those of us who choose to live in ways that require us to use water readily available on our land. This would include farmers, ranchers, homesteaders, survivalists and anyone else trying to 'live off the land'. In fact, I'm willing to say that this could be used to eventually force members of the aforementioned groups off of their land. It would also force these particularly proud and resourceful people under the thumb of and, for many of them, onto the nipple of government. Of course, that may be just what the Obama Administration wants!
Here's a thought: how about having ONLY STATE AND LOCAL governments regulate how non-navigable waterways which run over, beside, through or under the property of more than one party and having ONLY THE PROPERTY-OWNER dictate what can happen on a waterway which exists only on that property?