Thursday, January 19, 2017

Is CNN Predicting The Unthinkable?

CNN has just committed possibly the most bizarre act in an election season filled with strangeness.  The network yesterday aired a report pondering what would happen in the event an attack on the inaugural dais killed both President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence.  This, from Breitbart:

The irresponsibility of airing something such as this after a very hard-fought and bitter election season, with the number of crazies in our nation and over a million people in the nation's capital, many if not most of them unhappy over the election's outcome, defies belief.  Add to that the number of death threats against President-elect Trump and his family, which the Secret Service has already stated is in record numbers, along with the behavior of many leftists both during and after the election, and you have a powder keg waiting for one nut to light the fuse.  As previously stated in this blog, there already have been reports of leftist organizations planning violence.  If there is any attack for which this program can be proven to be inspiration, CNN and all personnel connected with the production and airing of this program should be held directly civilly and if possible, criminally responsible.

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