Saturday, March 4, 2017

Should There Be A "Bloody Monday" In the Trump Administration?

Certain Demoncrats are now calling for the head of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  Isn't it funny how they easily they turn on a man who was so recently one of their own (a member of the Senate).  But wait!  Let's take a closer look at this:  certain of this party "investigate" a couple of conversations that Sessions admittedly had with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak.  The reason I put the word "investigate" in quotes is because I believe that this is totally political and that if there was no political benefit to it, the Dems would drop it like a hot rock.  So, Sessions talked with the Russians?  So what?  The last time I checked that wasn't a crime, and in fact the Dems have done it too:

Meanwhile, the Left continues to behave like spoiled children:

And a trial lawyer says Attorney General Sessions certainly didn't commit perjury:

Meanwhile, libs still seem to live in an alternate universe, and the Dems still can't seem to prove any conversations between the Trump campaign or representatives of it and the Russian government:

Meanwhile, WE'VE been messing with other nations' elections:

Here's a link to the specific espionage orders:

Meanwhile, has it occurred to you that this may be planned?

Look, here's the bottom line:  it's pretty obvious that this has been planned.  The left is being directed by a very cynical cabal the aim of which is to destabilize this President and to destabilize our nation.  It is very well funded.  I can't prove that now but I look for the opportunity.  When and if it presents itself to me I will present the proof of my assertion to you.  The progressive left has attempted to get its' agenda passed for over 100 years.  This started with passage of the 16th and 17th Amendments.  The 16th Amendment made it legal for Congress to tax Americans individually.  Before this, to tax legally, Congress had to charge the States and states in turn could tax their citizens to recover the money.  In fact, it put the boot of the federal government, a most powerful and at times cruel taskmaster, directly on the shoulders of the citizens.  Then the 17th Amendment was passed.  This changed the Constitution to mandate the direct election of U.S. Senators.  This took a huge amount of power out of the hands of the States.  I've heard that this was promoted as increasing democracy.  It did anything but.  It cut out of the loop (the role of electing Senators) state legislators, politicians, people many of whom I'm sure thought like politicians and could figure out what these people were up to.  It also assured the sending to Washington of representatives who eventually would begin to feel separated from and likely superior to the people back home and who could be persuaded to follow a progressive agenda.  The Left almost had this accomplished; the socialistic, top-down, ruled-by-a-global-elite if possible leftists' paradise (hell to the rest of us).  Then we came along!  That is, the rest of us, average Americans who just go to work every day, try our best to be a decent spouse (in some cases) and to raise our children to be moral, happy, productive human beings.  They thought they had it in their grasp and then . . gone!!

This much is apparent.  Barack Obama, while remarking continually about a "smooth transition", has assured anything but.  He has done what he usually does.  I've believed for many years that when the former President is attempting to draw attention to what he's doing with his right hand, you need to watch the left!  It's that hand with which he is usually performing his most nefarious deeds.  While Democrats in the Senate, oddly enough with little power to do so, have managed to slow approval of President Trump's nominations to almost a standstill, Republicans have at least put up with this nonsense and may be tacitly going along.  This keeps Obama appointees in their jobs all over the Executive Branch.  This includes the national security apparatus.  The Trump Administration continues to be beset with leaks, damaging to it even if inconsequential.  For the most part, these leaks seem to be coming from our national security organs.  We need to make sure that a couple of things happen.  First, President Trump absolutely needs Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  He needs McConnell's help in being willing to bounce the Dems on their pointy little heads, repeatedly if necessary (and it will be).  Remind them that there is a price to be paid for losing and that unless they're willing to go along with the program or at least compromise, that price will be paid by them.  Individually.  Now, McConnell is a spaghetti-spined weasel, so he will probably also need convincing.  I suggest phone calls.  His office phone number is (202) 224-2541.  While we're at it, the web address for the U.S. Senate is  That's just in case you might want to contact your senators.  Secondly, there needs to be a "Bloody Monday".  Trump has to be careful about this because these people are in many different places in government.  Obama made sure he had his own people all over the place.  Others are G.W. Bush appointees who may or may not be empathetic with Trump's views and plans.  Firing too many of these people at once could be very dangerous to national security.  In fact, having as many positions vacant as we have is dangerous to national security.  I think Trump has been doing an amazing job of operating the Executive Branch at about half-staff but he needs a full staff nonetheless.  You can thank the Dems in the Senate for the fact that he doesn't have that and for any danger which this poses to the country.   

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